Welcome Blog

Pittsburgh Dietitian Blog Posts
August 1, 2014

Hello, and welcome to the Pittsburgh Dietitian Blog! My name is Andrew Wade, and I am the creator of this site. I will be posting here as much as possible.

Before I get started writing about all the things that get my keyboard excited, I thought it might be worthwhile to talk briefly about who I am, and what I plan to do with this blog.Instead of boring you with my resume, I would like to give you the condensed version of who I am; here it goes. I am a Registered Dietitian, credentialed here in Pittsburgh through the University of Pittsburgh and Adagio Health. I live in Shadyside, and I am growing my private practice, Case Specific Nutrition, while attending the University of Pittsburgh for my Masters in wellness and human performance. My private practice works with a variety of client types from athletes to diabetics, with weight loss and healthy lifestyle making up a majority of my consultations.

I like to travel, cook, read, and I am always learning. I go to the gym as my preferred method of resistance training, but have been know to design the occasional tabata routine. When I am not recovering from knee surgery (12 weeks out!), I love to run. It is my outlet for stress, and my most original enjoyment. Monday through Friday you can find me trying to keep up with traffic commuting to and from Pitt and CMU's campus on my bike. I am passionate about nutrition, fitness, wellbeing, and how they contribute to an enhanced life. While all of that is important, there are far more important topics to discuss that stem from two fundamental questions.

Question 1: Why am I here?

I created this blog to try and give a realistic perspective about fitness, nutrition, and life. Instead of using this as a medium to prove a level of academic prowess, I want to help you navigate the extremely confusing world of health and wellness. As a Dietitian, I pride myself on being what I call a mediator of information. It is my job to take emerging science, and help you apply it to your life. It is equally my responsibility to help you examine all lifestyle choices, and make sure you have the information needed to make an educated decision. Throughout my articles, I intend to communicate three main ideas:

  1. It takes more than a google search and a yahoo article to navigate this industry.
  2. Health and fitness are best achieved through balance, moderation and variety.
  3. A ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ is not a universal definition.

To accomplish my goal of communicating these three ideas, I will be writing about a variety of topics. From methods of lifestyle intervention and the truth about dieting, to discussions about the food and health industry’s most vexing vocabulary, we will try to leave no stone unturned. Nutrition is the medium that will always be present, but since it is only part of the information needed when in pursuit of your healthy lifestyle, we will explore other factors as well.

Aside from repeatedly mentioning nutrition, health and lifestyle, one other word trended in the text above. Above all else, it is the most important topic my blogs will be focused on: You. This blog is meant to serve you. Help me make it educational and applicable. This brings me to the second, and most important question:

Question 2: Why are You here?

Please comment below about what you would like to learn about in the world of health. Let’s get the conversation going, and make this blog the most user friendly informational series it can be!

These written blog posts can also be found at http://communityvoices.post-gazette.com/wellness-n-at. Wellnes-N'at is a local blog I am contributing to that combines fitness and wellness professionals of all types in Pittsburgh to create a place for information to thrive. Check it out!

I will be using this website, Pittsburgh Dietitian, to post photos, success stories, videos, and much more in addition to written blogs. For information on Case Specific Nutrition products and services, you can always visit casespecificnutrition.com!


Andrew Wade, RDN, LDN

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