Tips for Enjoying 4th of July Eats Guilt-Free

Pittsburgh Dietitian Blog Posts
July 4, 2019

It's the Fourth of July! For most, that means it is grillin' season. Today is all about fun in the sun with friends and family and celebrating the US of A. There will likely be fireworks, hot dogs, corn hole, and maybe a swim in your neighbor's pool. I want you to enjoy all that and more, but here's the caveat: you will NOT feel guilty afterwards for over indulging in all the holiday treats. Let me show you how, in these 4 easy tips:


Is it a Green, Yellow, or Red Day?This is a rating system developed by Andrew Wade, owner & founder of Case Specific Nutrition. A "green" day means you did a great job of sticking to your nutrition and fitness goals. A "yellow" day means that you stuck to your goals for the most part, but you allowed yourself to indulge in some way. A "red" day means that you weren't focused on your goals at all, and simply indulged on whatever you were feeling that day. If you plan ahead and decide what kind of day this will be, you will be more likely to enjoy it to its fullest and get back on track the very next day, without the lingering guilty of feeling like you "messed up" in some way. Track your green, yellow, and red days with the Rate My Day app in the app store, its free!Bring Your Own Dish to the BBQThis is the easiest way to take control of what is offered at the BBQ. If you know there will be hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad and not much else, offer to bring a fruit tray or a really delicious veggie-based dish that you think would also appeal to the masses. Get this right and people will be begging you for the recipe. Don't be the person gnawing on celery and ranch in the corner trying to stick to your "diet".Pick Two (or, Pick One)This tip works not only for BBQs, but also restaurants and other special occasions. If this is a "yellow" day for you, pick two of your favorite parts of the meal, and leave the rest. This will help you prioritize what you really want to indulge on. Maybe you like cole slaw, but you'd much rather have a slice of apple pie a la mode. If you are feeling really committed to your nutrition goals, just pick one!Get ActiveEven if your father-in-law sits on the lawn chair sipping beers the entire time, that doesn't mean you have to! Toss around a frisbee with the dog or roll around and play with the kids, or play cornhole. Anything to get you off your feet and distracted from food because after all, there is so much more to enjoy about the Fourth of July than just the burgers and dogs.Hopefully these tips will allow you to have a fun and relaxing Fourth of July, minus the guilt. Happy Independence Day!

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