5 min read

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

Mediterranean Quinoa Salad
Written by
Published on
August 15, 2024

Recipe From Salt and Lavender 

Today we are sharing a recipe for a Mediterranean quinoa salad that is absolutely delicious! If you’re looking for an easy, weekday dinner idea, try this out! The original recipe is credited to Salt and Lavender. If you try it out, be sure to tag us on social media! (@CaseSpecificNutrition).

Prep: 10 min | Cook: 20 min | Total: 30 min

Serving Size: Serves 4


  • 1 Cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1/2 an English cucumber– sliced
  • Handful little tomatoes– halved
  • 1 red bell pepper– chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper– chopped
  • Handful kalamata olives– pitted
  • 2 TBSP red onion– chopped
  • 3.5 ounces feta
  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 1 TBSP lemon juice
  • 1 TBSP red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano (or more to taste)
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Begin cooking quinoa of choice according to package directions. 
  2. Chop all veggies ingredients and add them to a large salad bowl. Sprinkle crumbled feta on top.
  3. Once the quinoa is cooked, set aside to cool. Add it to the bowl when cooled.
  4. Whisk together the oil, lemon, vinegar, and oregano. Pour directly into the salad bowl. Toss all ingredients to combine.
  5. Add salt and pepper as needed.
  6. Enjoy or chill in the fridge to enjoy later!
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