Latest Episodes
Rapid Weight Loss and all things Health and Wellness – Andrew Wade from The Chad Shipley Show
June 17, 2020
Andrew Wade needs no introduction. He's building a health and wellness empire here in the great city of Pittsburgh and I had a chance to pick his brain on some high value topics that I know are at the forefront of a lot of people's minds. We jump right into rapid weight loss and carb consumption. If you have ever struggled with your weight or energy levels this is a must listen to show and I hope that you get as much out of it as I did.
Kids + Podcast: Nutrition & Food Choices w/ Andrew Wade
December 3, 2019
A conversation with registered dietitian Andrew Wade about general nutrition, different types of fats, the importance of balance, the myth of “healthy vs. unhealthy” foods, how to craft a complete meal, and his #1 tip for how to enjoy holiday eating (including sweet treats).
The Chad Shipley Show: Part 2
September 21, 2019
This two-part interview covers a lot of topics including fueling for sport, meal preparation, lifestyle mindset, current diet trends, the Optilife Academy and the creation of Case Specific Nutrition with an impact based mindset.
The Chad Shipley Show: Part 1
June 20, 2019
This two-part interview covers a lot of topics including fueling for sport, meal preparation, lifestyle mindset, current diet trends, the Optilife Academy and the creation of Case Specific Nutrition with an impact based mindset.

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At Case Specific Nutrition®, we believe in providing personalized support every step of the way. Get in touch with our team today to get more information about our services, answer your specific health questions, or just say hello! Our friendly team is eager to hear from you.